October 3, 2012

Aim and Motivation

The aim of this project is to test additional methods for measurement of position of objects (steel balls) on the surface of Magnetic Platform for Planar Manipulation, which is developed in research group AA4CC at Department of Control Engineering, FEE CTU in Prague.

Current method of measurement based on usage of resistive foil has a weak spot for more complex applications. It is not able to measure position of more than one object at once. It would be much more interesting to have the possibility to detect the position of multiple objects on the platform simultaneously, which would allow us to design feedback control of position of those objects.

For this purpose, we are going to test two alternatives. First, it will be combination of a camera and image processing, which is quite promising and second, it will be the capacitive foil.
In addition, the whole control software, which is currently run in Matlab Real-Time Workshop, will be moved to Speedgoat real-time target machine.
Magnetic Platform
Magnetic Platform, courtesy of AA4CC

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